Please note that all Sunday services are canceled until further notice, but we will be holding livestream services at 11am and 6pm which can be accessed on our livestream page.
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"For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to Him be the glory forever. Amen"

Home Mid-Atlantic Reformed Baptist Family Conference

Mid-Atlantic Reformed Baptist Family Conference


Keynote Speaker – Joel Beeke

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Dr. Joel Beeke

Dr. Joel R. Beeke was converted at the age of 14, and has pastored for 45 years in three churches. Currently, he is chancellor and professor of homiletics and systematic and practical theology at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (since 1994), a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan (since 1986), editor of Puritan Reformed Journal and Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth, board chairman of Reformation Heritage Books.  He has written and co-authored 125 books (most recently, Reformed Systematic Theology, Reformed Preaching: Preaching God’s Word from the Heart of the Preacher to the Heart of His People, A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life; Knowing and Growing in Assurance; and Debated Issues in Sovereign Predestination) Dr. Beeke and his wife Mary have been blessed with three children and ten grandchildren. 

Preaching: Contagious Christian Living

Session 1: Contagious Submission: The Shunammite Woman
Session 2: Contagious Family Worship: Joshua
Session 4: Contagious Integrity: Daniel
Session 5: Contagious Perseverance: Caleb

Christian Biography

Session 3: Eric Liddell – Olympic Champion/Christian Missionary – Ian Turner

Dr. Turner was called to Grace Baptist Church, Carlisle, PA as Assistant Pastor in May, 2023, after serving there as a pastoral intern for nearly two years. Pastor Turner was born and raised in the Chicago area, saved at the age of seventeen and began serving God in campus ministry. His past employment focused on education, research, editing, and school administration. Ian holds a BA in English, an MA in Linguistics, an MDiv, and a PhD in Old Testament. Ian and his beloved wife, Mercy, are blessed with a son and a daughter.

Nursery/Children’s Classes

Nursery Staffing Provided
Nursery will be available for ages 0-3 for all sessions. Mother’s will not need to serve, nursery staffing is included in the cost of registration. Children’s classes ages 4-12 will be available for the 9:30am Friday session and the 10:00am Saturday session.


The conference this year will be held at the Bongiorno Conference Center located at 430 Union Hall Rd, Carlisle, PA 17013. To learn more about the center and the facilities click HERE.


Pool, gym, 18 hole disc golf course, game room, tennis, pickle ball, stroll the nature trail on the 136 acre campus, make new friends …


There are two options for attending the conference:

  1. All In” package which includes use of facilities, 5 sessions 6 meals and two nights HOTEL-STYLE lodging.
  2. Day” package which includes all of the above without the lodging piece – You can select all days or just the one’s that suit your schedule.

All In

Adult: $225
Teen: $155
Child: $105


Thurs Adult/Teen: $30
Thurs Child: $30
Fri Adult/Teen: $50
Fri Child: $50
Sat Adult/Teen: $32
Sat Child: $32

All rates are per person and children 0-4 are FREE. All prices increase $5 after March 19th, 2024.
Space is limited. May 15th is the deadline for registration. 


Family Conference Schedule 2024

Questions? Email

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Registration is now closed.