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"For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to Him be the glory forever. Amen"

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Pastoral Staff

Jeff & Jane Oliver. Jeff will be the interim pastor

Jeff Oliver – Interim Pastor
Jeff was born and raised in England and was converted to Christ at the age of eleven. He came from a nominal Christian family, who did not attend church regularly. He went to Sunday School at a local Anglican church as a younger child and attended a state school at a time when there was still a daily assembly at the beginning of each day, with customary singing of Christian hymns, Bible reading and prayer. However, he never heard the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ until he attended a local Pentecostal church to which his parents had been invited by their Christian neighbors. It was here Jeff heard the Law and the Gospel proclaimed from the Scriptures, and through the effectual work of God’s Spirit became aware of his own sinfulness and his need of a Savior, and the great provision God had made for such sinners in the person and work of His Son, Jesus Christ and was enabled to repent of his sin, turning from it unto God, and to receive and rest upon Christ alone for salvation as He is freely offered to sinners in the Gospel. He was subsequently baptized as a professing believer and attended this church for the next five years. He came to the Reformed Faith at the age of sixteen and subsequently became a member of a Reformed Baptist Church.

Jane was born and raised in Scotland. The Lord graciously saved her in her late teens through a Christian outreach in her high school. She continued to attend a local Church of Scotland, but became convicted regarding the doctrine of baptism and was subsequently baptized as a professing believer and became a member of the local Baptist church. She gradually came to a Reformed persuasion over the next few years. Jane and Jeff met and married in a local Baptist church in southern Scotland in 1993.

Jeff entered a career in finance, but after twenty years in business, he was called to the gospel ministry. He studied at Westminster Theological Seminary in Escondido, California where he received a Master of Divinity degree, following which he was ordained as Pastor of Grace Reformed Baptist Church, in Placerville, California where he served until retirement in November 2024.

Grace Baptist Church invited Jeff to come to Carlisle as an Interim Pastor, February of 2025.