Please note that all Sunday services are canceled until further notice, but we will be holding livestream services at 11am and 6pm which can be accessed on our livestream page.
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"For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to Him be the glory forever. Amen"

Home Grace Baptist Christian School

Grace Baptist Christian School

Grace Baptist Christian School

7th-8th-gradeGrace Baptist Church had been in existence for seventeen years before a dream could come to fruition; the vision of establishing a Christian school for our children. In 1968 the Christian School of GBC opened its doors and has been used of God to educate not only children from our church family, but also other children from the greater Carlisle area.

For more information about The Christian School go to the school website at or phone 717-243-8820. The school includes pre-k through 8th grade.