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"For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to Him be the glory forever. Amen"


Banner of Truth
USA Address:  P.O. Box 621, Carlisle, PA 17013
Phone:  717-249-5747
Fax:  717-249-0604
E-mail:  info@banneroftruth.org
Web site:  www.banneroftruth.co.uk

Bible stories online
Here is a good source for your children to listen to Bible stories online:
Web site: www.grcbible.org/category/audio/other-audio/audio-for-children/

Grace Reformed Baptist Church – Camp Hill, PA
For many years the leaders of Grace Baptist Church have had a vision to extend Christ’s kingdom in fulfillment of the Great Commission by planting a new church somewhere in the west shore region of Central Pennsylvania.  This desire has now, by God’s grace, become a reality.  Please feel free to visit sometime.


International Reformed Baptist Seminary
Web site:  irbsseminary.org

Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary
Web site:  cbtseminary.org