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"For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to Him be the glory forever. Amen"

Home Sunday School Curriculum

Sunday School Curriculum

Sunday School

We typically have 11 classes for children and youth and two adult Sunday School classes.  Below is the basic curriculum for our children and teens including subect matter and material used.  The curriculum for the classes has been carefully thought through to be age appropriate along with the attending memory work.


2 & 3 year olds
Subject matter: Visualized Bible stories for the Old and New Testament*.
Memory work: The Catechism for Young Children


4 year olds through kindergarten
Subject matter: Visualized Bible stories*.
Memory work: The Catechism for Young Children


1st Grade
Subject matter: The story of God’s redemption is developed from both Old and New Testaments.  (Great Commissions Publication materials used.)
Memory work: The Catechism for Young Children

2nd Grade
Subject matter: The story of God’s redemption is developed from both Old and New Testaments.  (Great Commissions Publication materials used.)
Memory work: The Catechism for Young Children

3rd Grade
Subject matter: The story of God’s redemption is developed from both Old and New Testaments.  (Great Commissions Publication materials used.)
Memory work: Scripture verses


4th Grade
Subject matter: The judges and kings of the Old Testament.  (Material developed by our teachers.)
Memory work: Scripture verses

5th Grade
Subject matter: The book of Acts.  (Material developed by our teachers.)
Memory work: Scripture verses


6th Grade
Subject matter: The Gospel of Mark.  (Marks Sketch Book, a Banner of Truth publication)
Memory work: Scripture verses

7th Grade
Subject matter: Bible Doctrine Book 1, covering the Word of God, the nature of God, creation and the fall of man.  (Out of print book reproduced by GBC with permission from Great Commission Publications.)
Memory work: Scripture verses

8th and 9th Grades
Subject matter: Bible Doctrine Book 2, 3 & 4, covering Christ as Redeemer, the Ten Commandments and living the life of faith.  (Out of print books reproduced by GBC with permission from Great Commission Publications.)
Memory work: Scripture verses


10th -12th Grades
Subject matter: A three-year curriculum surveying Old Testament history, specifically; 1) Genesis 2) Three Great Kings 3) The life of Christ from the Gospel of John.
Memory work: Scripture verses, W. Shorter Catechism